Riser Readiness Assessments are a reality of the lives of our chorus members. While a riser readiness assessment may seem a daunting first step to singing with a chorus, this experience helps both the candidate and the chorus learn about each other. For its part, the chorus learns about the candidate and how she is likely to fit into the chorus culture. For her part, the candidate learns about what sort of support she will find as she learns a new craft and becomes part of a new, larger organization. We want our members to be with us for a long time – let’s grow old together, singing our songs! – and we hope they have that intention as well. The chorus intends to commit to the growth of each member; we hope they also have a commitment to the growth of the chorus, both in numbers and in wisdom and maturity.
We assess new members for riser readiness and have intake nights on a regular basis. Do you feel like you have what it takes to sing with us? Try it out! Contact us to find out when we will be having our next Intake night. We love welcoming new members and making beautiful music together!