

Kelly is relatively new to barbershop singing, joining Harmony Inc. early in 2010 and then Sweet Adelines International later that year. Singing, however, is not new to Kelly… it is something she has actively done since 1970 when her grade 5 music teacher encouraged her to join the school chorus. School choral singing lead to musical theater and operettas, and along the way there were lessons in voice, piano, guitar and flute. Shortly after joining Harmony Inc., Kelly starting quarteting and over the last nine years has competed at six regional SAI competitions as a member of “High Definition”. Kelly currently sings with two SAI choruses and is a part of an amateur pop/rock band called “Frozen Echo”. Just over a year ago, Kelly was asked to be the Assistant Director of Bytown Beat Chorus, which she very proudly accepted. 


Sings: Bass

Chorus Alterego: Edna Baritone

Famous Catch Phrase: Ping! (Performance & Sing)